You could probably put up with feminine problems, but why should you? This painless procedure has transformed vaginal rejuvenation therapy. Regain your self-assurance. Regain control of your pelvic health. Renew your sexual pleasure. It’s possible thanks to the FemiLift Laser’s innovative technology, NYC!
FemiLift Vaginal Rejuvenation Advantages
- Simple and painless
- Long-term effects
- Non-surgical
- Can improve lubrication and sensitivity
- Can alleviate stress urinary incontinence
- Suitable for women of all ages
What exactly is the FemiLift Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation procedure? What Can You Do to Rejuvenate Your Vagina?
The Femilift is a nonsurgical CO2 laser vaginal rejuvenation treatment that is quick and painless. A gentle thermal energy stimulates vaginal tissue regeneration and the production of collagen and elastin along the vaginal wall. This sets off a microscopic chain of events that can result in increased skin hydration, improved blood supply, and the formation of new healthy tissue. Complete vaginal remodeling and tightening of vaginal walls with enhanced elasticity and without affecting penetration are possible treatment outcomes. Furthermore, due to strengthened vaginal muscles, the ligaments surrounding the bladder may provide more support.
Why Should You Get FemiLift Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment?
Childbirth, aging, and menopause are all common life events that can make it difficult to enjoy life. FemiLift Vaginal Rejuvenation could be the solution. Whether it’s a little leaking when you exercise or second-guessing sexual intimacy, women of all ages can suffer from pelvic and sexual health problems as a result of:
Vaginal Looseness
Vaginal tissue along the vaginal wall has loosened in many women. Others have pelvic floor dysfunction, which occurs when the pelvic floor muscles weaken and become less supportive. It could be the result of childbirth or a natural part of aging. Whatever the reason, no amount of Kegel exercises to strengthen the tissues surrounding the urethra and sphincter appears to work.
Urinary Incontinence
Vaginal laxity can cause leaking urine and loss of bladder control, which is a common concern for women who have given birth or who are aging. Pads and adult diapers are an option that can be inconvenient or cumbersome. Until recently, surgery was the only permanent solution, but it was costly and involved the risks, pain, and downtime associated with plastic surgery.
Vaginal Dryness
Others are experiencing vaginal dryness as a result of hormonal changes, menopause, or antidepressants. The vaginal skin thins, becomes dry, and becomes inelastic, which can lead to vaginal atrophy. Sexual intercourse can become painful or, in extreme cases, impossible as a result of this process.
Can you elaborate on the FemiLift laser procedure?
FemiLift uses laser technology and a specially designed, single-use sterile probe. Tiny pixels of light are absorbed into the vaginal skin, inducing collagen formation, at precise spacing and depths along the vaginal wall. Each treatment lasts approximately 15 minutes.
FemiLift Vaginal Rejuvenation Treats What?
Patients who have painful sex or lubrication issues may benefit from FemiLift Vaginal Rejuvenation. It can also help with vaginal laxity and urinary stress incontinence.
What is the Difference Between FemiLift Vaginal Rejuvenation Before and After?
The FemiLift will provide immediate vaginal rejuvenation benefits to the majority of women. However, collagen remodeling can last up to six months with FemiLift results, which include:
- Increased vaginal lubrication
- Relief from Urinary Stress Incontinence
- Tightened and toned vagina
- Improved sexual satisfaction
How Long Does the FemiLift Vaginal Rejuvenation Last?
The FemiLift Laser treatment usually lasts several years with yearly maintenance.
What are the Side Effects of Femilift? Is Vaginal Rejuvenation Painful?
FemiLift vaginal rejuvenation is a nonsurgical cosmetic surgery alternative that is usually well tolerated and painless. However, nothing should enter the vagina for 3-5 days after treatment, including tampons and sexual activity.
Why Choose FemiLift Over Vaginal Rejuvenation / Vaginal Reconstruction Surgery?
Vaginoplasty was the preferred vaginal rejuvenation treatment prior to the development of the FemiLift vaginal tightening laser. Internal vaginal walls were rebuilt during this procedure. This procedure was not only costly, but it also had significant risks and downtime.
Is FemiLift Vaginal Rejuvenation a Good Option for Me?
Many women are uncomfortable discussing sensitive topics such as pain during intercourse or symptoms such as urinary incontinence. However, embarrassment does not have to stand in the way of improving one’s quality of life. Recognize that pelvic and sexual health issues are extremely common. According to the National Institute of Health, one-quarter of all women have pelvic floor disorders. It’s also useful to know that treatments, such as the FemiLift Laser, are available.
Is there anything else I should look into for vaginal rejuvenation?
If you’re considering the FemiLift, you should also think about the O-Shot. The O-Shot is a procedure in which your blood is drawn and spun in a centrifuge to extract the most platelets, which are then injected into your vagina. This activates the body’s natural healing ability and promotes collagen production. The end result is smoother vulva skin (labia majora and labia minora), better orgasm, and less painful sex.
Why Should You Consider VSPOT for FemiLift Treatment?
VSPOT medical providers are the experts in working with women with sexual and pelvic health issues and offers a comprehensive menu of vaginal rejuvenation treatments, including the FemiLift Laser treatment. Make an appointment to see how our caring, effective care can help you improve your vaginal health.
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