What Exactly Is Urinary Incontinence?
The loss of bladder control is referred to as urinary incontinence. Involuntary or uncontrollable bladder leaks result from this lack of control. Urinary incontinence is classified into five types:
- Urge incontinence
- Stress incontinence
- Mixed incontinence
- Overflow incontinence
- Functional (neurogenic) incontinence
Urge incontinence is the sudden need to urinate. This urge strikes without warning or enough time to get to the restroom. When urination occurs as a result of pressure (stress) on the bladder, this is referred to as stress incontinence. This could be as a result of sneezing, coughing, laughing, or exercise.
Urge and stress incontinence are combined to form mixed incontinence.
Overflow incontinence occurs when the bladder is unable to completely empty itself, resulting in bladder leaks. When urination is caused by a mental or physical impairment, this is referred to as functional incontinence. For example, a person with arthritis may have difficulty removing their pants in time to urinate.
What Causes Incontinence?
Incontinence in women is frequently caused by a weakened pelvic floor (muscles). The pelvic floor frequently weakens during or after pregnancy, after reaching a certain age, or as a result of hormonal imbalance (during menopause).
Pelvic floor weakness affects 19 million American women. The ability to control the bladder and bowels is due to a strong pelvic floor. Because of shame, doubt, and fear of losing their autonomy, women who have urinary incontinence may avoid medical treatment.
- Do you leak urine when you cough, sneeze, or participate in sports?
- Do you need to use the restroom frequently?
- Have you avoided intimate relationships in recent months for fear of embarrassment from leaking?
- Have you ever given birth to a child?
- Do you have excess weight on your body?
- Does the leakage interfere with exercise or intimacy?
- Are you experiencing menopause?
If you answered “yes,” you most likely have urinary incontinence. Emsella is the first device of its kind, and it is FDA-approved to treat urinary incontinence. 11,000 Kegels are equivalent to one Emsella session.
How Does It Work?
Emsella employs High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to stimulate deep pelvic floor muscles and re-establish neuromuscular control. A single Emsella session produces thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions, which are critical in the re-education of incontinent patients’ muscles. All of this is accomplished with no effort on your part and without the need for you to undress. According to scientific evidence, 95 percent of treated patients reported a significant improvement in their quality of life.
Emsella is a completely non-invasive procedure that requires no downtime. During the treatment, patients remain fully clothed. Although there are intense contractions and tingling during the treatment, it is such a simple procedure.
Treatment Plan
The number of treatments recommended is six. Depending on your needs, the treatment lasts 28 minutes per session on the machine. To maximize treatment efficacy, a full treatment series must be completed.
Dress comfortably on treatment days so that your legs can be spread open and your back is straight so that your pelvis is correctly tilted. It is best if there is no metal on the body. Please keep in mind, some Lululemon leggings contain metallic fibers, so avoid wearing them. All electronic devices, including phones, watches, iPads, and computers, must be turned off because electromagnetic energy will harm them. Bring a book or magazine to read while receiving treatment. Menstruating patients should avoid the treatment on that day.
Why Choose Emsella?
Most patients will find relief from urinary incontinence with Emsella. It reduces the likelihood of urinating as a result of sneezing, coughing, laughing, or exercising. Emsella eliminated the need to plan trips and outings around the location of restroom facilities.
Other benefits of Emsella as a treatment are:
- There is no downtime or recovery time
- Stay fully clothed
- It reduces the need for invasive surgery
- There have been numerous reports of improved orgasms in both men and women who have received treatment.
Urinary incontinence is not a laughing matter. The sooner you find the Emsella chair at VSPOT, the sooner you can resume normalcy.
Contact VSPOT today to learn more about Emsella or to set up your initial complimentary consultation.
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