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The Experts In Your Intimate Health
From Pre- & Post-Pregnancy to Peri- & Post- Menopause.

A First For Women: The VSPOT is the first women’s intimate medical experts, focusing on sexual health and wellness. We specialize in non-surgical, result-oriented treatments paired with high-performance technology.
VSPOT offers intimate, transformative, and medical vaginal healing treatments you didn’t know there were solutions for; are solvable conditions performed with non-invasive, non-surgical, pain-free, FDA-approved treatments.


Non-Surgical, Result-Driven Solutions By The Top Experts, Female Providers


Non-Surgical, Result-Driven Solutions By The Top Experts, Female Providers


Cindy Barshop

Entrepreneur & expert in women’s intimate health. Founder, Cindy Barshop has a history of talking about the things no one else will. Her fearless attitude is what made her a standout on the Bravo’s hit show, Real Housewives of New York, and it’s what made her first endeavor–Completely Bare–so successful. Cindy revolutionized the way women thought and talked about personal grooming. Now with VSPOT, she’s doing the same for women’s sexual health

Dr. Monica Grover

Double Board Certified Gynecologist, specializing in women’s sexual health. Dr. Grover always has her pulse on the most cutting edge, result driven treatment option s for women’s intimate health. She believes in a truly holistic, non-invasive approach for each of her patients. always ensuring they have the most effective treatment plan for them.



Complimentary Consultation

Our Address

104 Fifth Ave, New york, NY, 10011
Handicap Accessible

Mon. – Fri. 9am-7pm Sat. 10am-4pm Closed Sun.



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