May 1, 2024

What is microneedling for the vulva and how does it work?

by vspot in Blog

In recent years, aesthetic care has transcended the boundaries of the face and body to explore areas that traditionally received less attention in terms of innovative treatments. One of these areas is the vulva, where techniques like microneedling are gaining popularity for their remarkable benefits. But what is microneedling and how does this technique work in such a delicate area?

We know that for many women, undergoing this type of treatment can be intimidating. However, the care of the genital area is essential to enjoy a healthy life as a woman in all senses, both physically and personally and sexually.

That’s why in this article we’re going to explain everything you need to know about microneedling, so that you can start working on your intimate health and live a much more fulfilling and healthy life. Are you ready? Let’s begin!

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What is microneedling?

Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is an aesthetic procedure that has been widely used to rejuvenate the skin, improve texture and reduce the appearance of scars, primarily on the face.

However, its application on the vulva is a relatively new advancement that promises equally impressive results. 

This treatment uses a special device called a dermaroller or a microneedling pen, which is equipped with many fine micro-needles that puncture the superficial layer of the skin in a controlled manner.

Although it may sound a bit intimidating, the reality is that this process is minimally invasive and generally well-tolerated thanks to the prior application of a topical anesthetic.

While the application process of this treatment on the vulva is the same as the microneedling used on the face or body, its execution and post-treatment care are specially adjusted to adapt to the unique sensitivities and characteristics of this area.

How does microneedling work?

The process involves the use of a microneedling device, such as a dermaroller or an electric pen, that contains multiple micro-needles. These needles make small perforations in the skin of the vulva, resulting in microlesions that are not visible to the naked eye.

These microlesions initiate the body’s natural healing process, including:

Collagen induction: The body’s natural response to any injury is to repair it by producing collagen. In the case of the vulva, this increase in collagen production can help improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin, which is particularly beneficial in areas that may have lost elasticity due to factors such as aging or childbirth.

Elastin stimulation: Similar to collagen, elastin helps the skin retain its shape. Increasing its production can improve the flexibility of the vulva’s skin, making it more resistant to the stresses and changes that occur during sex or childbirth.

Improved skin texture and tone: Microneedling can reduce the appearance of uneven pigmentation and irregular texture, providing a smoother and more uniform appearance.

Microneedling for the vulva is a clear example of how advanced skin care techniques are evolving to encompass all areas of the body, providing aesthetic and functional solutions that improve your quality of life and personal well-being.

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Your vulva health is important! Care for it with experts

Microneedling for the vulva is more than an aesthetic procedure; it is an investment in your intimate well-being and health.

Remember that the health of the vulva is fundamental, not only for sexual well-being, but also for overall quality of life. However, the reality is that it is often neglected or shrouded in taboos.

At VSPOT, we understand the importance of treating this area with the care and attention it deserves. That’s why we have a team of expert professionals who provide a safe, comfortable, and confidential environment where you can openly discuss your concerns and explore the best treatment options for you.

If you are interested in rejuvenating and revitalizing your intimate health, schedule a free consultation by clicking here, or contact us at 212-988-1387. Your body is your temple, and at VSPOT, we are here to help you care for it with the utmost dedication and professionalism!

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