Tag: Vaginoplasty

9 fascinating facts about the vagina and female health

1- It’s Self-Cleaning- To keep the vagina clean, it has its own natural bacteria and internal glands that secrete fluid. As a result, no scented soaps or harsh cleaning products are necessary since vaginal health is naturally balanced.

2- Direct Discharge- Every vagina has its own distinct scent, which can change depending on the time of day, activities, and what you eat. The discharge, regardless of its odor, is not a waste product. Vaginal discharge consists of three simple components: salt water, mucus, and cells.

Non Surgical Labiaplasty near me in NYC

Eemerging trends in non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation vaginoplasty and labiaplasty

The “Designer Vagina” and the Modern Labiaplasty

Designer vaginas have been a hot button topic in the media in recent decades. Blogs, magazine articles, and pop culture that glamorize labial perfection are trendier than media that champions our natural bodies. Despite what we see in scientific diagrams, altered photos for the media, and porn, vulvas don’t all look the same, and they’re not supposed to. Different labia sizes, asymmetry, and color ranges are all perfectly natural but the amount of labiaplasties meant to change the overall appearance of the vagina are increasing.