Tag: p shot in nj

Is the O-Shot a good fit for me?, What exactly is the O Shot and how does it work?

Women’s sex drive often declines as they age and start enjoying intercourse less. With that comes the possibility of vaginal dryness and urinary incontinence, which can make life more difficult. At VSPOT, we offer the O-Shot as a natural way to combat these issues and reclaim your life.

Is the O Shot a Good Option for You?

The O-Shot, a quick treatment provided in our office, can help women have a better and more fulfilling sex life. Best of all, this is an excellent way to achieve quick results without invasive surgery or lengthy recovery time.

The Amazing Advantages of the O-Shot and What to Expect Following Orgasm Shot Treatment

As women age, they start to experience various conditions such as incontinence and decreased libido. If you’re one of these women, then you’re going to want to read this article to learn more about how to improve your intimate health.

The O-Shot is designed to provide a quick and painless solution to these very common issues.

What exactly is in the O-Shot®?

This procedure (Orgasm Shot) is carried out through the use of Platelet-rich plasma, which is extracted from the patient’s blood. It is injected into the vagina and the clitoris. This a painless and simple treatment.